Permanent Human Hair Loc Extensions Quote


Locs are a journey, no matter what method you use or what texture you have. Occasionally a method may not work for you or a method may take longer than another person to fully loc in place.


THIS QUOTE FORM IS FOR THOSE WHO DONT HAVE LOCS AT ALL. If you are looking to get locs longer than what you already have, please visit this link: Extending Existing Locs. 

If you already purchased locs, please visit here instead: Loc Attachment Quote.

PLEASE NOTE: THIS FORM IS NOT FOR BALD COVERAGE with LOCs only for EXTENSIONS where you currently have a full head of hair,


We provide you with CUSTOM Loc Installs. Loc Extensions are natural looking locs with human hair only, that will be securely attached at the root of your natural hair.  This style helps those who have hard  to loc hair or for those who want immediate mature locs. If you are thinning or have damaged locks we can also add the amount of loc extensions needed into your hair for fullness.  When your natural hair begins to grow it will loc around your natural hair. This is a permanent service that can last you for the rest of your life with the proper maintenance and care. Your permanent locs are created to look natural and blend well with your hair from root to end. We take extra care to build your locs so that they don’t separate from your hair. The idea is to make them look so good you can’t tell the difference from your hair or the extension, even with root extensions, itll look like a retwist at installation.

Our whole purpose is to make them look as natural looking as possible. We layer them so they look the exact way someone would have grown them out. We are locticians, so we run my hands through tons of locs including our own.

Permanent Loc Extension Maintenance & Expectations

Please be advised: after your initial loc extension install, a special follow-up/retwist for your dreads will be required to make sure your extensions flow and grow with your new growth(usually a month or month and a half after install), This maintenance appointment will be slightly higher than normal and following retwist appointments due to the possible extra work involved. Your Locs should be retwisted once a month to every 6 weeks in most cases after that. Your locs will be installed to  look and feel natural without heaviness or The more thorough your answers, the more accurate your quote will be so please Begin your quote below and a representative will respond via text to confirm final quote, ask further questions and/or provide a direct link to book your appointment:

IMPORTANT! When getting loc extension installation appointments, install times can vary greatly since everyone has different hair types, textures and thicknesses, We cannot always estimate the exact time of install. Please if  you plan on visiting the Detroit area for loc installs, be prepared to stay an extra day in some cases. Our appointment system can only go so far and we have to be able to make changes if you have more hair than usual, the locs you want installed is tiny or the hair you have is long or if your hair has difficulty during install which may take more time.